
徐 迪 博士/副教授 Ph.D. Associate Professor Di XU


徐  迪 Di XU

副教授(Associate Professor)










  1. 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目“基于高光谱的城市花期变化对过敏人群健康风险影响”2022.01-2025.12.

  2. 主持,2017年国家自然科学基金青年基金“基于时序解混模型的植被物候反演及对城市热岛的时空响应研究”

  3. 参与,国家重点研发项目“长三角城市群生态安全保障关键技术研究与集成示范”

  4. 参加,国家社科重大项目“长江经济带发展中生态安全与环境健康风险管理及防控体系研究”


  • 国际城市生态学会会员


  1. Lin, W.,*, Xumiao Yu, Xu, D.*, Sun T. and Sun Y., 2021, Effect of Dust Deposition on Chlorophyll Concentration Estimation in Urban Plants from Reflectance and Vegetation Indexes. Remote sensing, 13(18), 3570. (SCI)

  2. Xu, D., Gao, J.* & Lin, W.**, 2021. Differences in the ecological impact of climate change and urbanization. Urban Climate, 38, p.100891. (SCI)

  3. Zhang, Y., Chen, J., Han, Y., Qian, M., Guo, X., Chen, R., Xu, D. and Chen, Y., 2021. The contribution of Fintech to sustainable development in the digital age: Ant forest and land restoration in China. Land Use Policy103, p.105306. (SSCI)

  4. Wu, Z., Chen, R., Meadows, M.E., Sengupta, D. and Xu, D., 2019. Changing urban green spaces in Shanghai: trends, drivers and policy implications. Land Use Policy87, p.104080. (SSCI)

  5. Lin, W.*, Cen, J., Xu, D., Du, S. and Gao, J., 2018. Wetland landscape pattern changes over a period of rapid development (1985–2015) in the ZhouShan Islands of Zhejiang province, China. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 213, 148-159. (SCI)

  6. 徐迪,高峻,付梅臣,《区域土地覆被与热环境效应的格局及响应》2018.01,科学出版社.

  7. Di Xu, Jun Gao*. The night light development and public health in China. Sustainable Cities and Society. 2017, 35: 57-68. (SCI)

  8. Di Xu, Ruishan Chen*, Xiaoshi Xing, Wenpeng Lin. Detection of Decreasing Vegetation Cover Based on Empirical Orthogonal Function and Temporal Unmixing Analysis. Mathematical Problems in Engineering. 2017, 7: 1-10.(SCI)

  9. Di Xu, Ruishan Chen*. Comparison of urban heat island and urban reflection in Nanjing City of China. Sustainable Cities and Society ,2017, 31: 26-36. (SCI)

  10. Huang Z, Chen R*,Xu Di*, et al. Spatial and hedonic analysis of housing prices in Shanghai[J]. Habitat International, 2017, 67: 69-78. (SSCI)

  11. Di Xu, Meichen Fu*. Vegetation phenology spatiotemporal characters and model in the middle part of Huai River region in China. Sustainability. 2015, 7: 2841-2857. (SSCI&SCI)


  • 土地划区分级督察信息系统1.0 (2011)
